October Goals

It’s October!

I’ve tried every month to come up with some goals and post them on the blog to keep myself accountable. I posted my August goals, and I am actually really impressed that I accomplished all of them!

1. Have a baby

Done. Check.

2. Attend at least two social/church functions after Tera arrives

We managed to get out lots in those first few weeks after Tera was born!

3. Meal plan September meals

I did this, and it helped me SO much. Organization is key to life with a baby. Organization and flexibility!

4. Have some form of exercise routine

I’ve walked almost every day since 5 days after Tera was born. I’ve actually gone on a couple runs, too, although that didn’t happen until September

5. Survive my first night alone.

I actually didn’t have to do this, as they changed Theo’s work schedule and he no longer works nights! I did survive my first day alone, though!

6. Continue to blog 2-3 a week

If I make it a priority, it gets done. Although life with a baby goes more like this: if I make it a priority, it sometimes gets done.

7. Get to the end of August with everyone alive, including the two cats and a dog.

This was a pretty lofty goal, I must admit! I don’t know how the dog is still alive, as I have had numerous murderous thoughts towards him….but alas…Theo, Tera, myself, Moose, BB and Cyrus are all still alive!


Now, I know last month was September, not August. September was kind of a fog. I didn’t make goals, and I didn’t accomplish much. But I’m starting to get my feet under me and have decided to make some October goals.

"Listen!  The wind is rising, and the air is wild with leaves, We have had our summer evenings, Now for October eves." ~Humbert Wolfe  Hello, October, We've been waiting for you! :)

1. Continue to blog 2-3 x a week.

2. Read two books.

I know this sounds lofty with a baby, but if I would just put down my phone while I nurse, I would have plenty of time to read!

So on that note…

3. Go one week without using electronics while nursing (one exception: the 3 am feeding. I’m too out of it to focus on anything besides scrolling through a screen. Bad, I know…but I’m taking baby steps here).

4. Participate/plan in 4 fall activities. That’s one a week.

5. Exercise 4-5 times a week. And by exercise I mean: do something that gets me out of the house/sweating/heart beating a little faster.

6. Write two letters.

7. Be social once a week. Have someone over. Plan a playdate. Whatever, as long as it gets me out of PJ’s and talking to someone who is not 2 months old.

8. November meal plan


And there they are! We shall see how this goes!



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