Weekly Wrap-Up


Well, this past week was pretty much just the same as all the past few weeks have been. We are settling into a schedule…or at least as much of a schedule as Theo’s job will allow. Tera has started sleeping for at least 8 hours at night. In fact, there was one morning that I woke up around 5 and decided I would wake her up to feed her. Nope. She was not even interested in eating anything. Of course, about an hour later…she was HUNGRY.

Theo worked his regular Tuesday/Thursday shifts and then he has worked Saturday and Sunday back to back. So I’m currently sitting on my living floor counting down the hours until he gets home.

After I published this post about some of the harder times of being a stay at home Mom, so many people responded to me! So this past week I have had a chance to have some more adult conversations, get together with some friends and I even have some play dates/get togethers scheduled for next week. That was such an encouragement to me!

As usual, I will let the pictures do the talking…

Tera is starting to understand she has control of her hands! Sometimes she just stares at her fist while holding it in front of her face. Then she slowly brings it to her mouth, going cross-eyed following it all the way to her mouth. While I was nursing her, she grabbed a hold of my hoodie string, and would not let go!!


And she looks adorable when she is getting burped…


Bedtime stories.


I was doing tummy time with Tera and Moose decided he would take advantage of it and lay on my legs.


We had a super cold spell, but Theo simply could not bear the thought of turning on the heat or wasting electricity on lights, so he lit a bunch of candles. I said it was too dark, so he put all the candles all around me. A few minutes later I was all warmed up!


Here is Tera doing tummy time on Daddy’s chest…she is smiling away at him. She loves him so much!


Tera and her new friend Kaylee. Kaylee is about 5 weeks younger than Tera, and cute as can be!


And big brother Isaiah wanted to play with the babies, too. =)


Tera on her playmat! Every time I get this thing out (about once a day) I wonder if it is too over-stimulating. I mean…look at the thing! It has so many colors and sounds and touches, I just wonder if its a little bit too much?


I brought my outdoor plants in, and BB (the cat) will not leave it alone. It’s not that he wants to chew it or play with it, it’s that he wants to get the dirt out of it. I kid you not, he just digs in the dirt. And it all started when I poured some water in there…he has an obsession with running water. I think he has been trying to find the water for the past few days (although I know that cats do like dirt anyways.) And on that note…his obsession with running water means that he comes RUNNING if you enter the bathroom.


After some REALLY cold days, we are now having an Indian summer of sorts! We took Tera outside and had her sit in her bumbo for a while. She is just SO CUTE!!

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Getting some Vitamin D.


Our church does small groups, and our small group has had a huge baby boom the last few months! Haha! Katie was born in May, Sophia was born Aug 9, and Tera, August 8. I can’t wait to watch the interaction as they grow! There is also a boy, Hosea, who was born in January.

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Sometimes I just have to carry her around like this. Haha.




Tummy time!


My cute girl!


Going for long run/walks. I was convinced that we went about 4 miles, and I was quite dissapointed to find that it was actually a little bit under 3. Phew, getting back in shape after baby is no joke. Of course, I also have a stroller and a dog…it makes running/walking take just a little bit longer…

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On Friday, Theo and I pulled everything out of the garden. We had about 15 pounds of carrots. Some of them are MASSIVE. I don’t know what I will ever do with 15 pounds of carrots, so I decided to make some baby food. I worked all afternoon washing, peeling, cutting, cooking and smashing carrots. I have about 5 cups of mashed up carrots in my freezer now! Hopefully when Tera starts eating solids she will love carrots. I only used about 1/3 of all the carrots that we have! Looks like I know what my big project will be this upcoming week…


And that is all for now!


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