When I Grow Up…

When I grow up, I want to be a teacher. And a Mom.

Oh, wait.

I AM a grown up, aren’t I?

And….wait for it…I’m a Mom. And a teacher.

Growing up, my Mom was a teacher. She started Bible clubs in our neighborhood. She stepped in at the local missionary school when there wasn’t a teacher for 5/6 grade class. She homeschooled my brother and I until we were in 6th grade.

She was a great teacher, and I wanted to be just like her.

My Dad was a teacher, too, although I didn’t get to have him teach me. He taught the smarty things like French and Math…the things that I struggled the most with. He was (and still is!) an AMAZING teacher. He has a way of communicating and engaging his students and has such a passion for everything he does.

I guess with that background, I was just meant to be a teacher!!

I always knew I would be a teacher. My Mom told me that I used to line up all my dolls and barbies and “teach” them Sunday School lessons. When our cat had a litter of kittens, I would try to line them up and teach them Sunday school lessons, too! Too bad they tried to run away…

In May 2013 I earned an Early Childhood Education degree. It took a lot of work, but I never once doubted that teaching is my passion.

I often don’t enjoy the lesson plans and working with kids all day is exhausting, but I get so much energy when I’m teaching.

I worked at daycare for the following year until I got pregnant. Then we decided that my job would be being a Mom.

I’ve always loved babies and kids. Always.

I always thought I would be a Mom, and I selfishly thought I’d be pretty decent at it.


Imagine my surprise when I found out how incredibly hard motherhood actually is!

And yet it is the most rewarding thing I have ever aspired to be!

So what about you? Are you living your dreams?



  1. Nancy says:

    I didn’t do this link since I didn’t have internet, but my thought for me was “wife and mom”. Thankfully I got to do both and love it, but like you said, it’s a tough job! You are a good mom and I’m sure a good teacher. Keep up the good work!!

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