The “Old Wives” Say….

When I was pregnant with Tera, I was sure I was having a boy. Sure of it. I mean, my husband came from a long line of men, I have a brother and it was just the right thing for me in my head. I did all the old wives tales and convinced myself that we were having a boy!

I was shocked to find that Baby Hines was indeed a girl. I actually cried and then I felt horrible because I was sure that I was having a boy and I had hard all these people say that a Mom’s tuition is never wrong, and then I was convinced that I was going to a terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad Mom.

Anyways, this time around I’m feeling a little differently. This pregnancy could not be more different than my first pregnancy, and I have had lots of people tell me that it’s going to be a boy. I don’t know, though…that didn’t work out for me last time, so I’m trying not to put all my chromosomes in one basket.

You see, on Theo’s side of the family there are ten grandkids with two on the way. The first three grandkids were boys and the last seven have been girls! My sister in law just found out that she is also having a girl! So will this be girl #9 in a row, or will it be the first boy in 8 grandkids?

I honestly don’t have a clue, and this time I’m more focused on whether or not this baby is healthy! The first time around, I saw the anatomy scan as the gender reveal ultrasound. But now that I’ve been a Mom for a little while, I (naturally) have a huge fear of something going incredibly wrong. And this would be the first chance in my baby’s little life for that something wrong to be revealed. So I am a little bit nervous as we find out the gender!

But enough of my word-vomit! Let’s see what “the old wives” have to say!

Moodiness: Moody means girl, not moody means boy

Chinese Gender Test:

I am currently 25, but was 24 at conception, which happened in January: Boy

Mom’s Beauty: Mom’s beauty disappears: Girl; Mom looks beautiful: Boy.

Dreams: Dreams of a girl: Boy; Dreams of a boy: Girl.  I haven’t dreamed of this baby once! So that one doesn’t work out for me!

Dad’s Weight Gain: If Dad gains weight: Girl; If Dad doesn’t gain weight: Boy

Morning Sickness: Bad morning sickness: Girl; Not so bad morning sickness: Boy

Heart Rate: Heart rate over 150: Girl; Heart rate under 150: Boy.

Ramzi Theory: Girl

Shape of Belly: High and Round: Girl; Low and Sticking Out: Boy

Cravings: Sweet: Girl; Savory: Boy

Balance: Balanced: Girl; Clumsy: Boy

Mom’s Prediction: Girl

Dad’s Prediction: Boy

Tera’s Prediction: Sister! (My exact question was, “are you having a brother or sister?” and she said sister!)


Total Tallies:

Girl: 9/14

Boy: 4/14


Stay tuned for the reveal!!!





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