Show and Tell Tuesdays: My Favorite Room

Show and Tell Tuesdays. A link up hosted by Momfessionals! A prompt is given and we respond. It’s that easy! Feel free to join by writing your own post and linking up at Momfessionals. It runs throughout the year but I only just now found it, so I’m just picking up with the March prompts.

Today’s prompt is: Show us your favorite room in your house.

Wellll, for those of you who are just stopping by my blog, you need to know this: we just bought a house. A house that needs A LOT of work. Most of the rooms in my house look something like this:


Dirty carpet (I don’t even know how many decades old). Wood siding that is in the process of being painted. Furniture everywhere (when you move it suddenly seems like nothing fits!). Tools and projects everywhere.

Welcome to my home!

I’ve tried to not let this stop me from inviting people over and living a somewhat “normal” life, but it is difficult to live in the midst of a renovation. The reality is that we are renovating our home ourselves on a budget. That means it will probably take YEARS before our home looks like I want it to look.

But! I do have a favorite room. Actually, I have two. I have the room that I can’t wait until it’s done…because it will be my favorite. Here is a sneak peek:


And then I have the one room in the house that we have almost completely finished. It still needs a few touches here and there, and maybe a furniture rearrangment, but it sure has come a long way!

The room is my living room, and it’s the first room that we worked on. I love the big and bright window, the transformation from baby blue to warm cream, the hardwood floors, the wood stove and the gorgeous mantle. I’m sure many memories will be made in this room!

The before:


The after:




So there you have it! Do you want to come for a visit?? Maybe having a visitor will motivate us to get another room completed! šŸ™‚


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