What’s Up Wednesday June

I’m linking up with Shay and Shaeffer for a little recap of what’s been going on in June!

What We are Eating This week…

I have become a terrible menu planner! I am finding that lately I don’t plan what we are eating until either the day before or the day of. This is so unlike me! But truly feeding my troops has been a bit of a challenge lately. It’s like they all need three entire meals a day and they all like different things and I really, really got out of the habit of cooking good food for my family when I was so sick and pregnant. I will say I’m getting better at making healthy dinners, but I still don’t have the *planning* part down. So….I have no idea what we are eating for dinner this week!

What I’m Reminiscing About…

I keep thinking about when my little ones were babies, and how different of a Mom I was then. Now I have a baby AND big kids and it’s a totally different ball game. Harder in some ways, but so so SOOO much easier in many ways!

What I’m Loving

Summer schedules. Somehow we have managed to stay pretty busy this month and it hasn’t felt too much like long, lazy summer days. But in some ways this is a good thing as it has helped so much to keep any whining and complaining at bay!

What We’ve Been Up To…

All the summer things…visiting fun local places, some summer camps and VBS for the kids, building new bookshelves for me, playing in our yard, going to the beach, hanging out with friends…you know…all the good stuff that memories are made of!

What I’m Dreading…

Ezra’s tonsillectomy in August. This will be my first kid to have surgery and I’m SO nervous! I’ve also heard that the recovery can be rough, so I’m feeling some nerves over that.

What I’m Working On…

As much as my summer Mom brain hates this, my teacher brain has already started to think about this upcoming school year. Parents are already asking for school supply lists, I’m starting to brainstorm how I can make my spelling/phonics curriculum better, and I’m already thinking about and anticipating what sweet kiddos will be in my class this upcoming year!

What I’m Excited About…

THEO HAS THE FOURTH OF JULY OFF! Wooo-hooo! As a first responder family, we rarely get Theo home on holidays. We have really lucked out this year that Easter was during his paternity leave, 4th of July happens to be his day off….and so does Thanksgiving! I feel spoiled rotten haha! I’m excited for parades and fireworks…and that I don’t have to do it all alone this year.

What I’m Watching/Reading…

My reading has actually slowed down this summer…boo! Probably because someone is saying “MOM! MOM! WATCH THIS!” every 32 seconds and so I look up from my book and lose my place/train of thought. Sigh. Still, I’ve read some pretty good books lately! I’m currently working through three different books…

The Story of Mankind

The Life Council

All That is Mine I Carry With Me

When we do watch something, we have done Shark Tank, the new Duggar documentary, Shiny Happy People, and some show about a Cow Farm on Disney+.

What I’m Wearing…

I’m trying to wear everything in my closet this summer, but I am always gravitating towards shorts and t-shirts!

What I’m Doing This Weekend…

Theo has been re-roofing one of our rental properties this week (his days off are in the middle of the week, so that is technically our “weekend”), and he will be back to work Friday-Monday. I plan to take the kids to a water/adventure park on Friday, maybe visit a Lavender Farm on Saturday, and then church and my parents house for lunch on Sunday. Monday really begins the 4th of July festivities with a parade and maybe some fireworks!

What I’m Looking Forward to Next Month…

I cannot believe that one month of summer is down, so next month I’m just looking forward to another four weeks of summer schedules, capped off by our Hines Family Reunion and a close friends wedding. I am hoping that the weather will be really warm and sunny so we can spend some time at our lake/beach and enjoy being outside a ton!

Amazon Purchase I loved this Month…

Can you believe that we only placed two Amazon orders in the month of June? For a total of five items? None of them were particularly exciting, just things that I can never remember to grab at the store…

A book for Theo…

Clothespins for my clothesline…

Egg cartons for all the eggs we are getting and selling! I would really like to get a custom stamp for these egg cartons 🙂

Homemade popsicle bags so we can make our own mulberry lemonade popsicles and sell them 🙂

And sticky tack so I can hang all of our summer calendar stuff on the wall…

And that is a wrap on June!

Here are the blog posts that I wrote that you may have missed:

May Book Review



Sweet Summertime Plans

How I Became a Mom

Travel Tips

School Resource Officer

Friday Favorites

4 Seasons on the Homestead

One comment

  1. Joanne says:

    Best of luck with the tonsillectomy! My oldest had his out when he was in 2nd grade and I remember being so nervous. Thankfully all went well and his recovery really wasn’t that bad; we just made sure to have tons of soft food on hand for him.

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