August Life Lately


I confess: I took approximately zero pictures, except when we were on our vacation. In fact, I think that when we got back from vacation I put my camera away and I haven’t gotten it out since. Yikes!


August was a crazy month because we…

…put in an offer on a house.

(spoiler alert: this is what people would call “a fixer-upper”)

…listed our house for sale.

(Spoiler alert: my house has never been so clean)

Listing our house meant some last-minute cosmetic fixes to our home, like finally ripping off the wallpaper in our bathrooms and painting them. This project took a lot longer than it looks like! There were layers of wallpaper to strip and peel and wash away, then two coats of color, one coat of primer and two coats of white on the wood paneling. And repeat x2 for the downstairs bathroom.

We wanted to have our house listed before we left on vacation, so that we didn’t have to worry about a showing schedule. This meant that we had about eight days from the time of making that decision to getting our house ready. We figured we would be moving out almost as soon as we got back, so I went through every single room of our house, purged every last thing that we didn’t need or use and had a massive garage sale. Meanwhile, we also needed to paint and clean and make the house look presentable for showing. All while getting ready for vacation. Those eight days are probably some of the most exhausting of my life!

….celebrated Tera turning FOUR.

August also brought our sweet girl’s FOURTH birthday. It does not seem possible that this child is already four years old!!! I mean, where has the time gone? And at the same time, didn’t I just give birth to her, and now I’m blinking and she is FOUR?!?

….took a family vacation.

The highlight of our month was of course our family vacation to Northern Michigan. We hit up some good spots, which I recapped in a bunch of smaller blog posts that you can read here:

Days 1 & 2

Day 3: Mackinaw Island

Days 3 & 4: Camping and Traverse City 

Day 5, 6 & 7: Sleeping Bear Sand Dunes

When we got back from our family vacation, we have been keeping ourselves busy! We continue to have house showing, although no bites on our house yet. This means that I try to maintain a super clean house so that we can have showings with little notice. This is extremely stressful and is also a bit tough to coordinate with running the Airbnb, but that is life.

I’ll have a complete house/future update in a separate blog post later this week.

My Tera-girl started soccer when we got back! We had no idea how this was going to go, but so far she has been loving it and has been pretty good on the field! It’s all a mishmash of four year olds running around, having no clue what is going on, but it’s super fun to watch!

She’s had three games and has scored about seven goals each game. LOL.

Meanwhile, Kiah and I love sitting on the sidelines cheering. The games are only about 30 minutes long so it’s not too long to be sitting there. We signed up with Action Sports Center and have been very pleased so far!

I’ve finally hit the third trimester of my pregnancy, and the exhaustion is real, y’all. I don’t remember ever being this tired with my other pregnancies. I’m normally a VERY active person and love to get outside, especially in the summer. But this year? I would much rather sit on the couch Too bad I have two kids! Lol! I did manage to take them to the sweet corn festival and we even were brave enough to leave the stroller in the car and just walk around! I LOVE having “big” kids!!!!


We’ve been enjoying preschool and go once a week to preschool library story time! Tera loves it.

I’m trying to work out and eat protein and rest when I can. Key Word: Trying

Tera put this skirt on and then says: “Look, Mommy! I have a duty belt just like Daddy!” (A duty belt is the belt that officers wear to hold their gun, cuffs, taser, flashlight, etc.).

And so the apple harvest begins! This is just a small, small dent in all the apples that we have. I have been busy peeling, coring and cutting as many apples as I can. At this point I’m not even using recipes, I’m just cutting up the apples and freezing them. We have eaten something with apple in it every single day for the last week, and we are getting tired of apples! I need great ideas for how to preserve them (preferably in the freezer because I don’t have canning supplies).

And that is a wrap on August! I cannot believe it’s already September! Isn’t that crazy?



August Dayton Mom’s Blog Post: I Want to Homeschool But I Don’t Know Where to Start 

Most Viewed Post in August: How to Get Rid of Fleas (Without Paying for An Exterminator) (LOL- this is from FOUR years ago, no idea why it resurfaced this month).


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