Life Lately (and Tam’s Visit!)

Life lately!

We have been soaking up every minute of this Indian summer stuff!

Tera loves being outside, and I love being able to sit on the step and hold Little Miss while Tera entertains herself by picking all the flowers.


We always take Tera’s stroller when we go out, but lately she much prefers to push it instead of ride in it. Whatever works for you, girlfriend…we will just get there about 3 hours later. Lol.


Tera has taken advantage of how busy and occupied I am with Little Miss and destroys everything in sight. She is our little Tera tornado!


We also went to the Yellow Springs Street Fair! One of my favorite events of the year. It’s awesome for food vendors, buying handmade stuff, and people watching!!


Tera loved the alpaca at the street fair.


And all the doggies we ran into. Especially this massive, bear-like one.


The next day we went to a fall festival, which was pretty small and there wasn’t too much there. But they had this cute set-up where we took a few pictures. LOVE THEM!


Daddy and his girl.


Me and my girls:


A family photo:


One of my favorite things is watching this girl learn to trust her Daddy:

He’s saying “Jump! I’ll catch you!” And she jumps! Well, she kind of bends her knees and then falls forward. But she “jumps” for her age equivalent!


It takes two adults and whole lot of bribery to get Tera to pose for a simple little “How many pumpkins tall are you?” picture….


That’s as good as it’s going to get!


Tera’s hair is getting long! It’s starting to do crazy things, too. This was right after her bath:


I know this is the most blurry picture, but I just had to show her outfit. It all started out matching. And as one piece got dirty, or the day got cold, something was taken off or added. At the end of the day when I went to put her PJ’s on, this was the result Polka Dots, Butterflies, stripes, flowers.


Little Miss has started her visitations, and that means a whole of driving for me. I snapped this picture right before we went in, and I was a nervous wreck. We’re getting better at visitation, but it’s still a hard, hard day of the week.


Tera at the park with all her duckies!


These ducks are so tame. They really don’t mind kids. Although I will admit that I taught Tera how to chase the. They weren’t so tame then! Haha!


We went for a family walk along the river in Dayton. It was a gorgeous day and Tera loved seeing the ducks on the river.


The city skyline.


And then Aunt Tam came to visit!!! She arrived on Saturday afternoon and Tera immediately loved her. It was such a  blessing to have her come for the week. Having two extra hands to help me was great, but it was also wonderful to just have “my person” here visiting and seeing my everyday life. We had lots of laughs, too!


Theo was doing his devos and Tera wanted to read her book, too! The Little Blue Truck does have a great moral, but I guess someone will have to tell her that it doesn’t count as devotions.


Tera-girl loves her books!


She’s a full-fledged walker now! I LOVE this stage!


Just hanging out at breakfast.


Sitting on the front porch.


Watching Theo cut down a tree.


Theo recruited Tam to help me pull down the tree. It was hilarious and almost ended badly, but it turned out just fine. Tam is such a trooper with her foot in a boot! Ha! I wish I had taken a video of the tree falling the wrong direction and dragging Tam along with it!


Swinging on the tire swing.


A beautiful fall day!


I got a free Sams Club Membership! Unfortunately, this Sam’s Club does not have my absolute very favorite chai and I’m SO dissapointed about my free membership but NO CHAI! Oh, well. At least I can buy a 50 pack of toilet paper now.

P.S. An older gentleman at the store came up to Tera and said, “What a handsome little guy!” while she was dressed like this. ???????


Tam decorated my chalk board for me! And no, that is not a puke bucket under the table. It was for soaking Tam’s foot.


Theo treated us and took the whole family out to Spinoza’s!


My handsome, hardworking man.


The next day we went to visit Theo while he was at work. Theo was out on a call so we had to kill some time waiting in the car. Tera discovered the rearview mirrors.




We got a tour of the fire house, along with seeing the fire truck and the medic. It was a blast!




Tera even got to sit in the drivers seat!


We thought it was fun that the medic has “terra” written on it.


Time hop informed me later that day that exactly two years ago we stepped out on this fostering journey. Two years later…here we are!


Tam has a niiiice camera and snapped some pictures of my girlies while she was here. She also took some amazing family pictures for us.


Back to iphone quality, lol. Just enjoying some more time on the front steps while Tera played.




Family photo:


Me and my tammy-loo. Friends since the 10th grade. Our lives have gone in such different directions since then, but we have still managed to stay in touch and be there for each other through it all.


One of my absolute favorites:


Poor Tera has come down with a nasty cold. Unfortunately, she has spread the love and Theo, Tam and Little Miss all got the nasty thing. So far I’m still going strong! So Tera’s eyes look a little sick and her poor nose is all stuffy, but I LOVE this picture of her. She put my necklace on and was playing with it. It’s a framer, that’s for sure!


Moose should win the most patient cat award. Look at how Tera is grabbing his fat rolls.


And of course while Tam was here we had to eat all our chidhood favorites. Rice and beans, Tigadaga Hoy, and homemade pizza!


And that’s it for life lately! A really boring mix of crazy!


  1. Tam says:

    I love it! I had no idea you snapped so many pictures and I’m so thankful you did. I loved experiencing life with you and I am so thankful our friendship continues to weather the storms and we continue to make new memories. MWAH.

    • says:

      There are so many more! They just have Little Miss in them, so I can’t share 🙁 I’ll text some of them to you!

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