Review and Giveaway: In Due Time

If you’ve been around this blog for any time at all, you know I can’t resist a good book.

So when my friend Caroline from In Due Time was looking for bloggers to do a review and giveaway of her devotional book, I couldn’t say no.

And I’m so glad I didn’t resist!

Four years ago, Caroline and her husband were told by doctors that they would never have children. Instead of accepting defeat, the Harries have stepped out in faith that the Lord will give them a child in due time.

If you don’t follow this amazing woman on her social media channels, you must. She is beautiful, encouraging and open about her struggles. I love how she doesn’t hold back from admitting discouragement on some days, but that she also doesn’t live life tied down or wallowing in despair. She is truly an amazing example of a woman who is steadfast and godly, even if the circumstances are not her ideal.

The devotional itself is beautiful, even from the cover. As a believer, I want to be careful about the devotionals that I immerse myself in. Sometimes devotionals can lead us away from the truth of the Bible and our need to spend direct time with God. I’m always a little wary of which devotional I want to use in my times with the Lord because I don’t want to add to his Scriptures. In fact, the Bible has everything we need for life and godliness.

However, as I began reading one devotional a day, I was incredibly encouraged by the genuine way that the Holy Spirit clearly led Caroline to write this book. As I’m reading along, I can tell that she has not just written from her mind, but also her heart.

The 60 day devotional is all about hope and encouragement in the waiting. Although Caroline does write it from her perspective of infertility, it is not a devotional just for women struggling with infertility. It is for anyone who is waiting. And you know what? As Christians we are all hoping and waiting for the better things to come, namely eternity with Christ. I don’t know about you, but sometimes I grow weary of waiting for the promised better days. Some days are just plain hard, guys. And each devotional in this book has been pointing me towards the promises of Christ and believing in him during the waiting.

Each of the 60 day devotionals contain a short passage focusing on a Scripture verse. At the end Caroline poses several deep and relevant questions, spurring me to dive further into the passage and reflect on it.

As you can see, I highly recommend this devotional for you!

You can buy it through Caroline’s website (with a 10% discount!), or you can order it from Amazon.

You also have a chance to win a copy!!!!!


All you have to do is comment on this blog post with what you are doing in your devotions right now. You can also head over to Instagram to earn some bonus entries there! This giveaway will run until Thursday, January 19th and will close at 7 pm EST.

And don’t forget to follow along with Caroline!




Infertility Support Group




  1. Rachel Osborn says:

    This is perfect timing! I don’t currently have any devotionals to read and was looking for one! I am waiting for baby to be born in two months so this would be perfect. šŸ™‚

  2. Amy McGrann says:

    I’m doing Soul Food by Havilah Cunnington right now. It’s been really good. This one really looks good, though. Like you said, we are always waiting on something. That’s where our faith grows!

  3. Corrie Salgado says:

    Love this!! Right now I’m currently reading and studying for the first time ever …the book of Ezekiel. Which is my son’s middle name. After that I read 31 Prayers for your husband by Unveiled Wife. ā¤

  4. Nancy says:

    Right now I am reading through I Corinthians 20 times, writing it out by hand, and studying a Bible study book on I Corinthians by N.T. Wright.
    If I win the book, you can just keep it for me until this summer. šŸ™‚

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