Pregnancy Month 5

20 weeks! We are halfway through the pregnancy now and I think I’m just starting to realize that I’m pregnant! I’m for sure feeling pregnant, and Tera reminds me on a frequent basis that I’m “ginormous”. So there’s that.

Size of Baby: The size of a banana or a bell pepper (those two things are not matching up in my mind, but I’ll just go with what the internet says LOL).

We got to see baby a lot on our anatomy scan this past week. It was an incredibly ultrasound and we couldn’t stop smiling from ear to ear during and after. Our ultrasound tech was GOOD at his job (Theo left the room and said “he needs a raise”!). He talked through everything that we were seeing. He did have a trainee there, so I think that helped, but he explained what things should look like, what we would be seeing and how it would look if anything was concerning. He showed us the blood flow to the baby and the chambers of the heart, the kidneys and the brain stem as well as all the normal things like hands, legs, fingers and toes. We did have him peek at the gender and write it down for us, but we still have it sealed in an envelope until our little gender reveal tomorrow!

Weight Gain: +7 pounds.

Symptoms/How I’m Feeling: I am still just feeling yucky most of the time! I’m exhausted and still have a lot of nausea that I’m dealing with on an almost daily basis. I for sure feel a lot better than I did for the first 15 weeks of this pregnancy, but man…I just can’t seem to kick the blah. I definitely FEEL pregnant now- my joints are more achy and my back is doing it’s work to support the belly! Baby feels like it’s right on my bladder and I can feel lots of kicks and rolls and punches! It’s fun to be in this stage where I can finally feel that there is a baby inside of me, not just a life-sucking alien. I do have a lot more energy and a lot more desire to get stuff done and get our house and life purged and organized, but so far I’m not feeling that magical second trimester like I did for my last two babies.

Sleep: I’m still mostly sleeping through the night, although I usually have to get up at least once to tend to a kid and end up using the bathroom. I wake up pretty achy in my hips so I’m nervous about that just getting worse in the next 20 weeks.

Cravings: Still don’t have a lot of cravings- I like things with FLAVOR and lots of spices.

Aversions: I mostly just have days and moments of extreme nausea where absolutely nothing sounds good. I don’t have any specific aversions to anything, although I discovered this week that I cannot eat chips and salsa because that is pretty much all I consumed during those first 15 weeks. Now it just makes me feel like I’m sick.

Worst Moment: The worst moment this month has just been adjusting to not having Heavenly anymore. It’s been challenging, and it’s been a transition for the whole family. It doesn’t mean that hard is bad, but it means that hard is hard.

Best Moment: Our anatomy ultrasound was just incredible!

Exercise: Welllllll, this will probably be my biggest regret this pregnancy. I haven’t started any kind of exercise plan and I’m slowly getting bigger and less able to start something so NOW is the time that I NEED to get started on some sort of exercise. I know that it will help my delivery go so much faster and easier, and so it’s worth it to get my butt off the couch and get started. I have been staying fairly active with my kids, walking to the park almost every day and going on some longer hikes and walks on Theo’s days off.

The Rest of the Fam: We are all doing well! Theo is ready to be off his current shift and on to his original one. It’s been challenging working until midnight each night for him. Tera is doing great and has officially started a very laid back preschool with me. She is LOVING it and thrives off the structure and routine. She is so excited to have a little brother or sister and talks about it multiple times an hour. She thinks it’s a girl and it should be named “Shell”. Kiah is also doing well, although we are starting to worry about his speech and language delays and wonder if we should start getting that evaluated before a new baby comes along. Otherwise, he’s really into my growing belly and kisses it unprompted a couple times a day!

Stay tuned for our gender reveal later this week!


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