Podcasts I’m Loving `(For Moms)

Happy Friday!

It’s actually Monday for me and no matter how long we do this schedule flip I think I will always be confused about whether its the beginning of the week or the end of week.

Whether it’s the end of the week or the beginning of the week, I LOVE listening to podcasts. I listen to them a lot! I listen to them on our morning walks to the park and back, I listen to them while I clean the Airbnb and I listen to them while I do dishes or chores (folding laundry, making dinner, etc). I usually hear about 80% of what is being said, because I’m still always with my kids while listening. All of these podcasts are safe for little ears (with the exception of a few episodes here and there that have some content that is more sensitive and “adult”). Tera LOVES to listen to these products with me…and her favorite one is the book one!

Here are some of the podcasts that I have been loving lately:


Dayton Women in the Word

Dayton Women in the Word is a ministry that is geared toward women in the Dayton, but the podcast could be for anyone, near or far! I have met both of the women who started this ministry, and I am always encouraged by how they follow fast after God. I am always encouraged by the women they interview and the way that they explore Scripture in this podcast. It has taught me a lot about HOW to study God’s Word, not just yelled God’s Word at me.

God Centered Mom

Every time I walk away from this podcast, I feel like I have gained some tools in raising my kids in Christ. She has some fabulous people that she interviews and it is always just so practical and relevant! It’s an equal mix of encouraging, enlightening and also convicting. I would highly recommend this one for all Christian Mamas!

JourneyWoman Podcast

I just recently started listening to this one as I heard about one episode on phone use. I listened to that one episode, and I’m hooked! Again, it’s a motherhood podcast that interviews different guests on all kinds of subjects related to anything motherhood!

Real Mom Podcast

This is a newer podcast in it’s first season that interviews foster, adoptive and biological mothers from all walks of life. I have LOVED this one because there are so many things that I can connect with and so many different facets of life that play into my role as a foster mother. It’s so very relevant and easy to listen to. I love hearing from all the different Moms and what their family dynamic is.


Risen Motherhood

The tagline for Risen Motherhood is Gospel-Hope for Moms. I couldn’t agree more. I have never listened to a podcast that has more gospel truth in every episode than this one. Although they sometimes interview outside sources, they mostly just discuss topics that are relevant to mothers- schooling, eating, managing a routine, dealing with pregnancy- all in light of the gospel. These episodes are short and I always find it’s a fantastic dose of encouragement!

The Mason Jar

As I begin to think about homeschooling my kids and what that will look like, I’ve enjoyed doing some research and discovering what my homeschooling type most aligns with. I downloaded a few podcasts, and this one hooked me from the first episode I listened to. I don’t think I fully identify with the Charlotte Mason method of homeschooling, but there are aspects of it that I really like and would like to implement. It’s fun listening to podcasts on a new subject that I haven’t even thought about before! Homeschooling Moms- I’m sure I’ll be back later with a blog post on homeschooling podcasts, I just haven’t had a chance to listen thoroughly enough to know if I recommend the others I’ve listened to!

What Should I Read Next

This one is not exclusive to Moms, and it’s where I get most of my book recommendations. Anne Bogel interviews a different guest each week who tells her three books they love, one book they hate and what they are reading right now. She then tells them what book they should read next. Listening to an hour of book talk a week is so wonderful for me. I love hearing description of books I’ve never heard of before and nodding along to assessments of books that I have read before!

I also enjoy The Happy Hour, The Popcast and That Sounds Fun, but these three are bigger ones who get plenty of their own PR. I’ve listened to these podcasts since the very beginning, and sometimes I feel like they have gotten so big I just can’t relate. Most of the guests that are interviewed are quite famous (especially in the Christian world) and I find that I don’t feel on the same level. Still, there is a reason that they have become so big (because they are GOOD!), and so I still listen to those as well. I just wanted to highlight some of the newer/smaller ones that you may not have heard of before!

Bonus: Theo’s Favorite Podcast

Bigger Pockets 


And thats a wrap on some of my favorite podcasts! What is your favorite podcast? Do you listen to any podcasts?





One comment

  1. Mandie L. says:

    I’ve never been much of a podcast listener – I’d rather read a blog – but when I do take the time to listen it’s nearly always Mason Jar. 😀

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