SIP Diary Day 18

*Every day, I set a timer for 10 minutes and just write. Whatever is on my heart and mind that day. When 10 mins is done, I finish the thought I’m on and then upload some pictures from the day.

What do I even write today?

Today was…fine. It wasn’t terrible, it wasn’t a high anxiety day. It wasn’t great, either. You know those surveys that you take that you have to check a number from 1-5? Usually one side is one extreme view, and the other side is the opposing extreme view, and then right in the middle it will say something like ‘not applicable’ or ‘neutral’. That’s how I feel today. Just neutral. I got nothing STRONG to report in my feelings.

Today is Monday, which “should” be a school day. But it’s also Monday, which means that it is one of Theo’s few days off. So I always struggle to balance the rigors of a school schedule with the relaxation of our family day together. Really, I should have made the kids start school sometime in the morning. But instead I took my Bible and journals and closed myself up in my room and spent time in prayer and journaling. I was feeling high-strung, and I think doing that helped me out. I read through the book of Habbakuk and good golly, it’s like he was living in 2020 not BC.

I also had the opportunity to hop on an IG live chat with a friend. We talked all things parenting and living through this time and that was really encouraging to me…just to be able to talk about it all. I needed that. But I also feel this deep longing to be helpful and encouraging to people. And I feel like no matter what I say….it can’t cover the wounds that this pandemic is leaving in it’s wake. I’m not talking about the actual wounds of the virus. I’m talking about the wounds of anxiety, of addiction, of being alone, of the difficulty of parenting and marriage and losing jobs. And the possibility of contracting a potentially fatal virus on top of all of that. It’s so HARD! What can I do to help? I just want to HELP!

Tonight I made dinner and after dinner I asked Theo if he knew what the Koala challenge was. Since he hadn’t heard of it, we tried it out. Basically, person 1 has to climb around person 2 without touching the ground (hanging on like a koala). There are varying levels of difficulty of this challenge, but we opted for the easiest one. We were laughing so hard I couldn’t do the challenge! I hadn’t laughed like that in a long time. And it was a good reminder: Even in the midst of a pandemic, we can CHOOSE laughter. We can have some fun even when it doesn’t feel like we should. Because laughter and fun? They are good. And I shouldn’t feel guilty about it.

(I took zero pictures today)

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