SIP Diary Day 19

My eyes are burning. I think I might have pink eye? I only think that because Ezra, literally, has a pink eye. I don’t *think* he has pink eye, but if the eye is pink, he could, right?

And now I’m wondering if pink eye is a precursor to Coronavirus. Like, future studies will find that “in 97% of the cases, patients who contracted coronavirus had pink eye 48-72 hours before exhibiting their first symptoms.”

Ok, that’s crazy. I’m going crazy. Officially. But I’m still sane enough to recognize that I am going absolutely crazy.

Exhibit B that social isolation is getting to us:

Theo snapped this picture of me trying to eat breakfast, balance a baby and do devotions with the kids. Tera has a headband/scarf stretched out over her head. The black things are little balls of lint that no one bothered to pick off for her. Kiah looks like he was paying attention, but he was actually asking for toast. He didn’t just ask for toast. He said, “I want toooooasssst” no less than 30 times while I conducted devotions for the family. Please note: he had already been fed an entire breakfast.

Today was the final day of Theo’s 3 day weekend, and tomorrow we send him back out there. Out into the unknoooooown (Thank, you Elsa). My anxiety always amps up on the night before he goes back to work, but I’m still feeling calm right now. Oddly calm. I feel like my brain has checked out of the anxiety hotel and instead checked into the complacent and numb hotel down the street. It doesn’t feel ANYTHING. Not anxiety, not worry, not hope or joy, either.

I know all this might make some worry. Don’t worry. I’ll be ok. I still kept the keys to the anxiety hotel and all my normal emotions that come along with it. We are all in survival mode right now, and my survival mode is to live in the complacent and numb motel for a while until we can survive this thing.

I was listening to a podcast today (about parenting during COVID-19), but one part really stuck out to me. They were talking about praying and how our kids are watching us during this time. How is my prayer life during this time? I think we can all agree that the worst feels like it is at it’s absolute worst (at least in our lifetime). So how is my prayer life different? In times of great upheaval I should be spending MORE time in deeper and greater prayer than ever before. It doesn’t mean that I will feel happy and go-lucky, it means that in my times of greatest need, am I turning the Lord? So, truly? How is my prayer life?

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