April Rewind

Well, that was quite the month! I cannot believe that it is MAY!

Here is a little bit of what we were up to in April:

  1. Spring Break.

The tail end of our Spring Break was over the first few days of April. Unfortunately, it was so cold and dreary that it didn’t feel like much of Spring or much of a Break haha. Still, we tried to make the best of it and so some fun and free things as a family.

  1. Marriage Conference.

Theo and I got to attend a marriage conference! I recapped it on this blog post here.

  1. Worm Day and Muddy Hours Outside.

We had “worm day” at school (blog post coming soon!). The kids logged about 60 hours outside in the month of April- most of them were muddy ones!

  1. Easter Weekend.

Easter weekend was PACKED with goodness for us. We had a bird show at school with the Cincinnati Zoo Birds, then we helped my parents work on their new house.

On Saturday, we went up to Piqua to spend the day with some of Theo’s family.

On Sunday, we had breakfast at church followed by a church service, then I hosted Easter lunch at my house (but my Mom did most of the cooking). We got to have some of my fellow Niger MKs over for lunch and it was a blast.

We ended the weekend by going for a hike before we got about 1.5 inches of snow the next day šŸ™

  1. Homeschool Convention

I also got to head to the Great Homeschool Convention this year! I always love going even just for the exhibit hall. I had planned to go for two full days, but after one day there I felt sufficiently charged on schooling talk and I decided to stay home the following day. My in-laws were stopping by to see us, so I figured spending time with them was more important to me, anyways.

  1. Cox Arboretum

We also headed over to Cox Arboretum to see the tulip fields (and all kind of other things in bloom!). It was beautiful!

And that is a wrap on April! It was the busiest month we have had in a long time, but also so full of good things.

Books Read: 8

Miles Run: Like 5 hahaha

Days Kids Had to Stay Home From School: 0 (!!!!!!!! that’s the first month we have reached that number since school started in August !!!!!!!)

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