Well, This Was Unexpected…

We’ve got some big news!

I still can’t believe it myself, and I’ve been living it for the last month.

On Saturday, we loaded up our entire house into a moving van.

…and moved (again, I know). We spent Saturday night with my parents…

On Sunday, we unloaded at our very own 5 acre piece of land.

A huge shout out to all those who helped us load and unload all of our personal belongings. My parents for letting us stay at their place on Saturday night. And our realtor for taking us alllllll over the Miami Valley until we finally found the land we were looking for. It’s been about 3-4 years of actively looking and we have probably looked at 25 properties. All were immediately obvious that they were not available to us.

The story of how this one came to be is pretty wild. There were several instances during the month long “under-contract” that we for sure thought that it was falling through. There were some problems that needed to be addressed. We know that life will still be full of challenges and difficulties, but we are so thrilled to be able to step into a completely new phase of life…country living, building some kind of a homestead, and raising our kids to grow up outdoors. I’m sure it will come with a STEEEEEPPP learning curve and we are already a little bit overwhelmed. But little by little, we will work together to figure out this new life.

A few FAQs:

Yes, we are still in the Dayton area. We are just much closer to our school now. And a little bit more out in the country.

Our previous home is now a rental property and we already have a lease signed for a new person to live there. Yes, we will continue to run our rental properties.

We do plan to homestead a bit, but mostly to take it slow at first. We are still both working our jobs so anything we produce or do with the land will have to be on the side for now. We have no plans to quit our jobs and farm full time.

YES, you can come visit. The house is not huge, but it has plenty of space for loved ones. And the yard? Well, it goes on as far as the eye can see!


  1. Christa Hailey says:

    I am SO happy for you! I’m so happy you finally got your breathing space! I pray that it will be a blessing to you and others!

  2. Carrie says:

    WOW! So excited for you! May you always remember the Lord’s goodness as you look back in awe at how He brought this part of His plan to fruition.

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