3 years

3 years.

3 years ago today, was our wedding.

So much has happened since that day, it seems like it was so much more than three years ago.

And yet, didn’t I just blink and we are here, now…three years down the road?

Theo, there is no one else I would ever do life with. We are one, we are a team. You are my leader, my spiritual shepherd, my friend, my lover, and my laughter.

I think about the vows that we said on our wedding day. I think about how we had no clue what we were really saying, what we were really getting ourselves into. We said our vows with love and joy in our hearts, and now we say our vows over and over again daily- some days with the love and joy in our hearts, and some days only by the power of the Holy Spirit as our hearts are both sinful and selfish.

I cannot believe that it has been three whole years. What a beautiful day our wedding was. I wouldn’t change a single thing about it!

Our Vows:

Suzanne, I vow to you these things, which I can only fulfill by the grace of God.

As Christ loves His church sacrificially/ so I vow to sacrifice myself for your sake

As Christ loves the Church above all others/ so I vow to delight in you alone

As Christ provides all that the church needs/ so I vow to provide for you

As Christ makes the church more like Himself/ so I vow to point you to Him in all things

As Christ leads His church/ so I vow to lead you as I follow Christ

As Christ serves His church with the best possible care/ so I vow to serve you with humility, patience, and love.

And just as Christ has promised/ never to leave or forsake His church/so I vow to never depart from or abandon you.

By my love, I hope to prepare you for the day / when you will meet Jesus face to face /and experience his love, which surpasses all understanding.



Theo, I vow to you these things, which I can only fulfill by the grace of God.

As the church is to love Christ sacrificially/ so I vow to sacrifice myself for your sake

As the church is to love Christ above all others/ so I vow to delight in you alone

As the church is to submit to Christ/ so I vow to submit to you

As the church is to represent Christ in all that she does/ so I vow to represent you with dignity and honor

As the church is to obey Christ in all things/ so I vow to follow you as you obey Christ

As the church is to serve Christ/so I vow to serve you with humility, patience and respect.

And just as the church will forever remain the bride of Christ/ so I vow to never depart from or abandon you.

By my love, I hope to prepare you for the day / when you will meet Jesus face to face / and know His love, which surpasses all understanding






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