Shouldn’t He Be Talking By Now?

Our King Kiah will be two in October, and he still barely says any words.

Just recently, he started to say 6 or so words, but it’s usually hit or miss and he hasn’t graduated to two syllables or even two words in a row.

At around 15 months I started to wonder why he wasn’t speaking yet, and I started to wonder if maybe he was going to have a bit of a speech delay. Fast forward another 6 months and I’m for sure starting to wonder if he does have a speech delay.

I’ve considered all the factors, mulling them over and over and over again in my brain.

He might have a speech delay, but oh well.

He might have autism and a diagnosis would serve us well.

He might just be slower than his sister was, he is a boy after all.

He might have some serious speech delays that need considering.

He might just be taking his own time or have nothing that he feels like saying.

He might be having a really hard time wanting to communicate but just can’t say the words.

He might start talking any day now.

He might stay clammed up for months to come.

Might, might, could, would, should.

All these things I’ve thought about day in and day out. Should I pursue a speech evaluation to see if there may be a delay, or should I just let it be and let it run it’s course?

After months of talking with Theo, thinking through it and praying about it, we decided to go ahead with a speech evaluation for our little man.

Part of it is that not knowing is driving me crazy. I would love to have a professional spend some time with him and then let me know if there are concerns or if there aren’t any concerns. Part of it is that it is free and I think that any harm it would do outweighs the good it would do if he does end up needing speech therapy. Part of it is that our entire family is struggling so much with a child who is nonverbal and can’t communicate without us except through screaming and screeching. I stand in the kitchen and he stands at my feet and just screams and screeches. I have no idea what he is asking for or what he wants, then he grows frustrated and screams some more, then I grow frustrated and then the whole situation just ends in a puddle of meltdowns. It’s the same thing when he is playing with his sister, and bless her heart, she is so patient with his screeching and screaming. But when I watch their interactions I can’t help but think of how much easier it would be for both of them if he was simply able to voice what it is he wants and work with Tera to solve problems. I know he is not even two yet, but I’m talking saying basic things like “truck” or “pot” so that Tera knows what he is pointing at and wanting.

Anyways, I really wanted to document this for myself so I can look back and remember the journey.

Today is his speech evaluation.

I’m so nervous.

It’s a new world stepping out and handing my kid over for an evaluation, not knowing if I could be very, very relieved at the end of this, or if I could have some concerns to deal with. And if there are concerns, will they be temporary or will they be lifelong? Will I regret finding out this information and wish that we could go through life blissful and ignorant of a learning challenge? Or will I be so glad we got the evaluation and the therapies and anything else that could be right around the corner? Or will I find out that he’s just fine and wants to hold his tongue and prefers to scream at us and next week he will start speaking in fun sentences?

So many unknowns.

If you think of it, can you pray for us today? Pray that his evaluation goes well, that the observers and therapists are able to glean the information that they need to come to the correct conclusions. Pray that as a parent I will be able to take any updates with grace and peace (and Theo, too, but in case you are wondering…he’s not worried). Pray that Kiah will be able to start using words soon, and that the level of screeching and lack of communicating will come down to a manageable level for all of us.



  1. Britta says:

    Suzanne, I read this first thing this morning (I’m in Australia) and my prayers have been with you throughout the day. Just wanted to let you know. Love and blessings Britta

    • says:

      Thank you, Britta! The evaluation went well, although we don’t yet know the results. I will make sure to have an update when we find out. Thanks for your prayers and support!

  2. Janice Phillips says:

    Praying that you will get some answers. Does he listen to directions and understand? Wondering if he might be hearing impaired. Our Jayson didn’t talk until he was almost three. And he has no problem communicating now at age 11. Kiah seems frustrated, though, so I think it’s a good idea to get him tested. Peace to your heart. The Lord goes before us and nothing will surprise Him , you can rely on Him. Love you!

    • says:

      Thank you! Oh, yes, he listens to directions just fine and is fairly good at communicating with gestures, signs and grunts. He just has little to no words. We had his hearing evaluated and that came out fine. The evaluation went well, although we won’t really know the results for a few weeks. Thanks for your prayers! I’m hoping it will just turn out to be normal taking his time development, but I’m glad I went ahead with the assessment and feel much better knowing that we are on the right track to get help if he needs it.

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