Betty Hall- Life and Homegoing

My grandmother, Betty Hall, passed away on January 4th.

She was an incredible woman. She gave most of her life to overseas missionary service. She had four children- twin boys and two daughters (one is my Mom). When her son Daniel was four years old, he passed away from a deadly onset of what they believe to be malaria. Throughout her entire life, she worked and raised her children. Even though they moved many times- and several times overseas- my grandmother always found a place and a way to work and serve. She was strong but quiet. She didn’t let anybody walk all over her, but also was gentle in speech and action. She would sit quietly in the room and listen to what everybody said. Then, she would crack the most hilarious joke and leave everyone in stitches.

I wish that I had known my grandmother better. She raised her children to serve the Lord, and for my Mom that meant dedicating her entire life to missionary service as well. Growing up overseas, I only got to see my Grandparents once every few years. I always loved the time that I spent with them, but now I wish I had taken the time to ask more questions and hear more stories.

During my junior year of college, I moved in with my grandparents and my aunt and uncle. I only lived with them for a few months and I was usually away at classes, but I love the memories I have of staying with them. Since I was engaged, Grandma would humor me by watching hour after hour of Say Yes to the Dress.

Later on in life, I got to introduce my children to my grandparents. What a blessing.

One of my favorite memories was the time that I made Oreo Ice Cream. This ice cream was DELICIOUS and had some secret ingredients. I made a giant pan of Oreo ice cream and then left it in the freezer when I went off to class. I had a long day or two of classes and when I finally had a moment to sit down and rest, I went tot the freezer to pull out the Oreo ice cream– only to find that the entire pan was GONE! I began questioning everyone who lived in the house- was it Uncle Duane or Aunt Natalie? Or Grandpa? Or could it have been sweet and gentle Grandma? EVERYONE to this day denies eating all that Oreo ice cream, but deep down we all know…it was Grandma.

I know that Grandma is in heaven right now, rejoicing with Jesus in a complete and beautiful body. She is meeting up with her son Dan and embracing him for the first time in over 50 years. The three of them are probably sitting down to a big bowl of Oreo ice cream.

We had her burial and funeral service on Saturday, May 4th. I am so thankful that I was able to go and attend this service and honor my Grandma and Grandpa by being there. It’s never easy to say goodbye to a loved one, but I am so thankful for the legacy that my grandparents have left behind.

My Grandma requested that each of her grandchildren be the pallbearers of her casket. I didn’t cry much until we had carried that casket up the hill and my great uncle started playing Amazing Grace on the bagpipes. Then, my Grandpa stood up and read a story of my Grandma Betty meeting her son Dan in heaven. The foggy morning made it feel like it was weeping with us.

After the service, we each laid a rose on her coffin. My Grandpa laid one red rose, her three children each laid a pink rose, and her grandchildren each laid a yellow rose.

We had a funeral service at the nearby church, but I did not take any pictures there. We worshipped and laughed and recounted memories of my grandmother. Afterwards we had a small luncheon.

This was the first time in many, many years that I had seen all my cousins in one place! In fact, we all live scattered all over the U.S. and even as far away as Asia!

As we continue to grieve and process the life and death of such a wonderful woman, we continue to think especially of my Grandpa. I cannot imagine the grief and devastation that comes along with losing a lifelong love of 60+ years.

One comment

  1. Emily Shanahan says:

    So sorry for your lost, Suzanne, but so thankful for your beautiful tribute to your wonderful grandmother! šŸ’œšŸ¤—šŸ™ To you and your family during this tender time! šŸ’œ Revelation 21:4-5šŸ’œ

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