What’s Up Wednesday

I’m joining in with What’s Up Wednesday today to share a little peek into our current life. It’s a wild one! Buckle on up!

  • What we are Eating this Week:

(I menu plan a whole month at a time, so sometimes I get to the end of the month and need to switch things up a bit. Ha.

Monday: Turkey Skillet with Biscuits on Top

Tuesday: Pepperoni Chicken

Wednesday: Whole Chicken in Crockpot

Thursday: Dinner at my parents house

Friday: Chicken and Bacon Carbonara

Saturday: Spiced Chicken Stew with Carrots

Sunday: Lunch at my parents new house!

  • What I’m Reminiscing About

Not too much, but I was thinking about how one year ago is when Theo and I came down with COVID for the first time. I remember a lot of emotions, especially feeling shamed that I had gotten it and guilty that I couldn’t fulfill many of my responsibilities. And little did I know, but I was about to deal with months of long haul symptoms. Hindsight is so helpful, but man, that was a hard time!

  • What I’m Loving

I bought these shoes at Goodwill and they are what I have been looking for all my life! Seriously the magical unicorn shoes of a busy Mom/teacher. They have a heel and are cute, also close toed so they look professional, but also they are comfy! I’ve walked miles in them and don’t have blisters or sore feet the next day!

Since I got them at Goodwill for $5, I am not sure where they are from, but I did find the same ones on Stich fix for $60.

Also…I’m loving the WEATHER! At least when it’s warm. Ha.

  • What We’ve Been Up To

I know it’s cliche to say, but we have been so busy lately! Some highlights are visiting the tulip field at Cox Arboretum.

We celebrated Easter with some of Theo’s family AND some of my family/framily.

  • What I’m Dreading

Most people say they aren’t dreading anything, but I am dreading mustering the creative energy to finish this school year. We have five weeks left and the thought of keeping 16 antsy students engaged for those weeks is just really overwhelming to me right now.

Here we are on WORM DAY…I had the kids go out and pick up worms. HAHA. I love when I find creative lesson plans, but it sure does take a lot of mental energy!
  • What I’m Working On

I’m working on tons of house projects! With spring suddenly comes a lot of rental turn over. My parents are moving out of their house and we have been helping to get their new place fixed up for them to move in. But then we need to prep the house for our next renters. We have two other rental properties that will be vacated in the next month and a long list of projects to do as well as finding new tenants!

  • What I’m Excited About

MAY! May is my favorite month. We have all the end of the school year fun, my birthday, our 10 year wedding anniversary, some big, big life changes and I’m SO EXCITED. But also a tad bit nervous.

Also, summer. I’m so, so excited for summer.

  • What I’m Watching/Reading

My reading has slowed down this month- partly because we have had full weekends, but also partly because I have picked up several slow books in a row. I usually gently force myself to finish a book that I’ve been wanting to read, even if it is slow, because if I just mood read I would only pick up fast-flying romances and would miss so many good books that are a bit slower.

I’m currently working my way through The Cruelest Month by Louise Penny. I just finished Booth by Karen Joy Fowler and up next I am planning to read God Bless This Mess because I need some quick fluff after the last few slogs.

We haven’t had much time for watching TV and we canceled nearly all of our streaming memberships so we have been watching Bosch. Theo really likes it because it says it’s fairly accurate and he likes how an entire police case isn’t solved in one episode, but instead takes the whole season. There is a lot of language (which Theo says is also very accurate). I mostly do my cross stitch while he watches.

  • What I’m Listening To

I listen to an upbeat country music playlist when I run (which has been like 2x this whole month HA.). In the car, we listen to Hope 100.7 and when I’m at home I frequently have that playing on the radio as well. I mostly listen to a podcast or audio book the rest of the time.

  • What I’m Wearing

Listen. It’s April in Ohio. That means I’m wearing full on winter garb one day and just two days later shorts and a tank top. Its wild. I have winter, spring and summer wardrobes in various states of hung up/draped on the chair/packed away for the season.

  • What I’m Doing This Weekend:

This weekend is our first “free” weekend in about a month. We plan to catch up on a lot of projects that need done, have a fellowship meal with our church, help my parents finish moving into their new house, meet another police family together for a play date at a wonky time since we can’t ever make dinner work with our ridiculous police family schedules and hopefully spend a lot of time outside!

  • What I’m Looking Forward to Next Month

See above for what I’m excited about. May of 2022 is going to be a BIG month for the Hines family!

  • My New Favorite Amazon Find

I honestly don’t buy much on Amazon (GASP, I know), but I did enjoy this puzzle that I did over my Spring Break!

We also bought these doodle pads for our kids to do during Bible Study and church, and they have been a huge hit! We only let them play with them during those two times, so it kind of keeps the shiny newness factor and gives them something to look forward to!

That’s all for now! I hope you all have a wonderful week!

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