5 Things I Cannot Live Without

In 1st grade, I introduce the topic of Needs vs. Wants. We talk about how what we really NEED is shelter, food, water, clothing and emotional support. Everything else is a want. The kids always stare at me aghast and say “but what about a washing machine?”….and I get to explain that LOTS of people don’t have washing machines and they still are able to live…in fact, they can still live very happy and fulfilled lives!

However, for the case of this blog post I am going to skip over both the first tier needs (what we need to survive) and second tier needs (washing machine, pillow, shoes, indoor plumbing, etc). I feel like you all probably knew that already, but I couldn’t start this blog post without acknowledging it! These are not the things I am grabbing if there is a house fire, but they are things that I have around that I love and use every day!

  1. Egg Spiral

I bought this almost two years ago, I STILL feel so much joy everyday when I fill it up! It makes me so happy sitting on my counter šŸ™‚ (Yes, eggs can sit out on the counter as long as they have not been washed. Once they have been washed, they need to be refrigerated).

2. Visual Timer

We use this ALL. DAY. LONG. For piano practice, for tablet time, for whenever my kids ask me “how long until….?”. I use it to break up a lot of fights or arguments in my house. If two kids want the same toy, I have them set a timer and take turns. I love the visual timer because kids can’t grasp how long 10 minutes is, but they can see the time and how long it takes for it move. I need to get one of these in my classroom, too!

3. Sharpies. For some reason, I find myself using a sharpie almost every day.

4. Books. I read a book every single day. I’m currently reading two backlist titles- Good Company and The Best Yes.

5. Chapstick I’m not the person who is constantly putting on chapstick, but I do find myself using it at least once a day!

What 5 things do you have around that you use daily and feel like you couldn’t live without?

Linking up with these fun bloggers for the Sharing Our Lives link-up!

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