Hezekiah James: 4 months


1 year ago today….

we found out we were expecting our Hezekiah James!

And today….

Hezekiah is four months old!

Weight: 12 pounds, 13 oz……. WE ARE OFFICIALLY ON THE GROWTH CHARTS!!!

I may or may not have done a total happy dance in the office today when I saw that little dot ON THE CHART! No more stupid failure to thrive label!!! Kiah and I (and Theo) have worked HARD for every single ounce on that little body!

My super chill, laid-back baby is still terrible at eating. He has to be at the right angle, fed by the right person and with the right bottle at the right temperature. Did someone say high maintenance?? He is doing much better at drinking more, but feeding him is still a battle. Some days we are on high ground, and some days we feel like he will never just be feeding like a normal baby. He eats 3-4 oz every 2-3 hours. Thank God for that 3, let me tell you. Four months of feeding a baby every two hours has been starting to get to me!

He refuses to latch back on to me, so it looks like it’s exclusive pumping from here on out. In Theo’s words, “at least it’s only 8 more months until we reach your goal of 1 year!”

Sleeping: You know…now that Kiah is four months old, I should probably try to get him on a good nap schedule. So far, he is literally just so chill that he naps in his bouncy seat while Tera and I are doing stuff around the house. He usually takes three to four little naps a day. He usually goes to bed around 10-11 and will sleep until somewhere between 3 and 5. Then, he’s up with me when I get up at 6.

Clothing/Diapers: I jjuuuuuuust pulled out the 3-6 month clothes, and it’s looking a little big on him still! But the 0-3 stuff is looking pretty snug, so we are at that in-between stage for sure!

Still cloth diapering, but I had to put away all the size 1 cloth diapers that we had! On to the one size, which still look massively bulky on him! He is finishing up a box of size 1 disposable diapers and then we are onto size 2!

Personality: I’m pretty sure that Kiah is going to be just like his Daddy. He is so chill and it’s pretty hard to ruffle his feathers. Besides his whole deal with eating, he is so low-maintenance. He’ so smiley and just loves being talked to. He’s often loud and expressive, and LOVES watching Tera play with toys.

Part of me wonders if he is really THAT easy or if I’m just a seasoned enough mother to enjoy all of these moments without focusing so much on the hard moments (because we absolutely do have those, too). It also helps that this is kid doesn’t have colic (I’m looking at you, Tera) or withdrawal from drugs (I’m looking at you, Little Miss).

Notable First This Month:

  • First plane ride
  • First trip to Florida


  • Tera
  • Playing with the toys on his bouncy seat
  • Sitting in the bumbo seat
  • Bath Time
  • Talking


  • Eating
  • Being left alone in a room (even if its for .5 seconds)
  • He’s not a huge fan of babywearing

Milestones Reached:

  • Sitting in the bumbo seat
  • Rolled over! He did this at least three times, but two of the times *may* have been with great assistance from his big sister. Not too sure.
  • Grasping toys
  • Chewing on his fists/fingers (I’m wondering if he is teething, but Tera didn’t get teeth until 11 months so this seems SO early to me! We shall see, I guess!)

What we are Loving at this Stage: Oh, sweet baby snuggles! I’m loving the coos and the grins and the giggles make.my.day. I’m loving watching him learn and grow rapidly and seeing him start to interact with Tera is SO FUN!!!! I’m loving the cute little man outfits and the grunts and even the toots (this does not apply as a teen, King Kiah). I love, love, love his little smile!!

What we are Struggling with at this Stage:
Let’s forever and always remember that I have such a hard time with the crying. I just get so worked up that I don’t know WHY he is crying and my brain goes into overdrive trying to figure out what he needs and why. I get myself so worked up and concerned and it’s just no fun. Then three toots later he is back to his happy self and I realize I had nothing to be concerned about. Repeat about once every hour or so. HA! I’m also NOT loving the lack of sleep. Somehow Kiah decided to celebrate Theo getting a new job by being up almost all night three of the five nights of Theo’s first week. That was not very fun! He seems to be doing better now but it was a great reminder to me that I do so much better when I can get a decent night’s sleep!


P.S. This is what trying to take pictures of Kiah really looked like…

Tera insisted that she was “in her parking spot” and it was the.end.of.the.world when I asked her to park elsewhere. Well, pardon me.


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