Let’s Find Enjoyment in our Children

Four years ago, my journey in motherhood began.

No one could have prepared me for any of it.

It’s like seeing pictures of the Grand Canyon vs. actually standing on the edge of that immense canyon. Sure, we can hear all about the ups and down and the joys and sorrows, but until we actually experience them for ourselves, we cannot grasp the magnitude of motherhood.

2018 was a hard year for me. I was pregnant and mostly miserable. I was worn down and suffered through some secondary trauma from foster care. I fed my children and I read to my children and I loved my children…but I didn’t enjoy my children much at all. 

The day Ezra was born I held him in my arms and it was like something in my entire brain and heart changed. It was like I was standing outside of myself and seeing myself. I was seeing a Mom who was trying her hardest but felt like she wasn’t succeeding. I was seeing a Mom who had some mixed up priorities but didn’t know how to flip them upright. I wasn’t angry or guilty for being that Mom, but I just knew something had to change. And I knew that change wouldn’t be easy.

Over the past few months, I’ve thought through a challenge that I wanted to take on for myself during the year 2019. I hope that the habits this challenge builds will stretch far beyond 2019. I hope that they will change my entire life, the entire course of my motherhood.

I want to ENJOY my children.

Not just be with them, care for them, and love them.

But ENJOY them.

The Lord whispered to my heart that I should share my project and encourage other mothers to step up and also work towards building habits of ENJOYING our children and the time we spend with them.

What this project isn’t 

This project is not a project to become best friends with my kids. I am their mother and I while I aim to build a relationship and hopefully one day a friendship, I do not aim to become my children’s best friend. This project is not an impossible task that will leave me shaking my head and wondering what I was thinking in the first place. This project is not about a guilt trip if I don’t accomplish what I set out to do. This project is not denying that children can be a lot of work, and that sometimes they can drive us NUTS and that sometimes we need a break.

What this project is

This project is an intentional challenge that will hopefully help all of us enjoy the time that we have with our children. It’s so easy in this culture to be wrapped up in our devices and our shows and our jobs and to spend less and less time with our children. It’s easy to see our children as a hassle or an interruption. It’s easy to carry out our mothering duties successfully while still not enjoying our children. This project will change all of that.

Who could benefit from this project?

Moms. Stay at home Moms. Working Moms. Work at home Moms. Moms of babies. Moms of toddlers. Moms of school age children. Moms of teens. Moms of one. Moms of two. Moms of multiples. Moms of many.

What does the project look like? 

Over the course of a year, we will work together to build nine healthy habits that will help us enjoy our children. Each habit will be built for twenty one days. Here is a sneak peak at some of the habits we will be working to build…

  1. Record one way your child brought you joy today
  2. Sit down and eat one meal with your child each day
  3. Write down something your child said or achieved each day

In addition, we will have one month (June) where you receive a daily challenge to carry out with your child.

Yes, this can be time consuming. However, that is exactly the point! We need to be spending more time intentional time with our children!

Remember, as with most things…what you put in is what you will get out.

How will we stay accountable? 

Starting this week, on Friday, we will begin our first 21 day habit! After 21 days, we will take a week off to refresh and reflect before adding the second habit! You will receive an email a few days before the habit begins and an email on the day of. Throughout the challenge, you will also receive emails from me and I will write blog posts chronicling our journey and encouraging you as you continue on.

How do I sign up? 

Enter your email below!

P.S. Once you receive that email, you will have a sneak peak at what our first challenge is! It starts on FRIDAY and it will take you less than 30 seconds a day!

Please, feel free to share with friends/family/facebook Mom groups so that they can join with you and keep you accountable as well! I can’t wait!

And you can always keep up with the challenge on Facebook and Instagram.


And… check back in tomorrow for a fun little giveaway to get this challenge started!


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