May Life Lately

Here we are: the end of May! I cannot believe that it is already almost June. May has always been my favorite month. It’s the month when the weather finally throes off the last signs of winter and the earth bursts with color and life. Its the month of mothers day, my birthday and our anniversary. There are so many reasons for it to be my favorite!

I’m not going to lie, though..this May has been hard. It was mostly the extreme morning sickness that barely allowed me to do anything, and it was a little hard to not enjoy any of these things while dealing with the horrible nausea. Still, we managed to cram a lot into one month and I’m thankful that somehow life was able to continue as nearly normal for my kiddos.

We kicked off the month with Heavenly’s viola recital! She has improved so much this year and it has been fun to see her fall in love with music. For the concert, she got first chair, which I guess is a big deal? Either way, we were very proud of her!

Next up, came Mother’s Day! I had ZERO expectations going into Mother’s Day, and it’s a good thing because Mother’s Day this year was kind of a dud. Theo had to work, I was terribly sick and Heavenly was having a hard, hard time. Holidays are hard for a lot of kids in care, and most holidays in our home are just disasters because of all the big emotions. I couldn’t even get my kids to stand with me in a picture lol.

The following week, Theo headed to Charlotte for a conference and to spend some time with his brother. We were all going to go, but that didn’t work out so I stayed home with kids. Thankfully, my morning sickness let up just a little bit during the days he was gone so we managed to survive (just barely!). Thankfully, the weather was decent enough to spend a lot of time outside!


Tera got ahold of my camera and took some great pictures…

And some not so great ones…


Oh, my sweet Tera. These last few months have been hard on our Mother/Daughter relationship, but I’m still so proud of this girl.

We finally snagged some belly pics for this pregnancy! It’s amazing how this fourth child just kind of gets put on the back burner. No less loved, but a lot less time to dedicate to taking pictures and fawning over him/her!

King is 19 months and I LOVE this age. He still isn’t talking. Like, at all. Instead he grunts and screeches and somehow manages to communicate. Every time I really start to worry, I just remind myself that he has done everything else in life (every single milestone) wayyyy late. But it would be nice to start hearing words come out of that adorable little mouth!

My peonies bloomed!!! I love May!

For my birthday week, my parents were in town and I was finally starting to feel just a little bit better. We went for a short hike at a local nature preserve and it was so good for my weary heart.

On this hike, there were literally spiders crawling everywhere. All over the path, all over the tress, all over everything. They were just daddy long legs, but why was it that there were SO MANY SPIDERS? It had rained the night before, so maybe it caused a massive hatching in the forest? It was a little bit creepy but there were so many that it just ended up being cool!

This park has a really fun nature reserve and play area. Everything is made out of nature (with a few man-made objects that really encourage creative play). We love this park (Russ Nature Reserve).

I’m so thankful for grandparents who care about their grandkids and spend time with them (especially when Mama is so sick).

This is my favorite family picture. It’s not the typical pose, but it’s exactly what our family is right now. Heavenly was in school, I was feeling rather sickly but just trying to be present, Tera was on her own mission, Kiah is just trying to figure out how to keep up with his sisters, and Theo is the calm glue that is holding us all together.

This kid has grown so many inches and has hit some huge developmental milestones! I am so excited to start some preschool homeschool in the fall!

That evening my Mom made us homemade pizza for dinner and we shared our cupcakes with our discipleship group. It was a really lovely birthday!

So thankful for life with this man. 6 years strong, many more to come.

And that’s a wrap on May!



  1. Nancy DeValve says:

    Kiah really does manage to communicate well with his pointing, expressive looks, and his cuteness! And he’s only 18 months, so I don’t think he’s that delayed. I’m so glad we could spend some time with you. 🙂

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