One Day Hour by Hour

One Day Hour by Hour is actually a social media challenge that Laura Tremaine began many years ago. On the one day that she picks, everyone across the internet posts one picture every hour to share their day. I have been trying to step back from social media and I didn’t want to be posting every hour, but I did decide to take one photo every hour and now here I am compiling it into a blog post.

I’m really going to challenge myself and not write any descriptions on the photos, so here is a little glimpse into a day in my life, one photo for every hour, no captions. This was a random Monday in November. I have three children- ages 8, 6, and 4- and one on the way. It has been a challenging pregnancy. My husband is a first responder and works a 12 hour shift on this day- he leaves at 10 am and gets home around 10pm. I am a part time 1st grade teacher and the rest of the time stay at home Mom. This is one of our home days, meaning that we don’t go to the classroom, but do homeschool.


7:00 am

8:00 am


10:00 am

11:00 am

12:00 pm

1:00 pm

2:00, 3:00 pm

No idea what happened to 4:00 pm

5:00 pm

6:00 pm

7:00 pm

8:00 and 9:00 pm

10:00- fully asleep and Theo comes home from work šŸ™‚

This is just a little snapshot in my day. Tuesdays and Thursdays are school days and look very different. Wednesday is an elective day for my kids and the day that I spent at school planning and prepping for the weeks to come. Monday, Friday, and Saturday look fairly typically like this, except Theo is home on Friday so we might do something more fun like a family hike or outing. Sundays are church days and we typically spend the afternoon at my parents house.


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