Currently: So Glad February is Over

Well, I feel like I’ve been through a war…. the war of February.

Our family has struggled so much with illness this winter. And when everyone is sick, it’s all hands on deck. Which means it’s around the clock caring for kids, the brunt of which falls on my shoulders since Theo is still working full time away from home. Of course, Theo is VERY helpful when he is home, but the nature of it is that I’m the primary stay at home parent, which means that I’m also the primary caretaker when the kid are sick.

So, just a brief recap…mid/late January, we got COVID. It wasn’t too bad, honestly. Just took Orion a little bit longer to recover from it.

Beginning of February we were hit with the most awful tummy bug. Thankfully, it hit almost everyone within 48 hours and it was done and gone within 4 days. But Orion took a full 8 days to get over it, and was immediately hit with a cold after getting over that. Theo, Ezra and Orion were down for a week with a cold. We finally recovered from all that and went to our family reunion mid-February. We got back and got HIT with the flu. Each person has been down for 10ish days with the lingering symptoms of that. And with a family of 6, that means that this thing can hang out for what feels like an ETERNITY.

I am just hoping and praying that this is the end of illness for us this season. I shared on IG that we were so tired of being sick, and someone decided to send me unsolicited advice that it was probably my fault we were constantly sick and that my kids were obviously nutritionally deficient. Listen. Nothing can bring me down faster than someone implying that I’m not doing everything in my power to keep my kids healthy and functioning. It has been a ROUGH winter for everyone I know. I realize that our immune systems are struggling, but to imply that it is the mother’s fault for this is just insulting and hurtful.

Anyways….just wanted to get that off my chest and address my very long absence from the blog! I honestly haven’t even been able to think about anything besides survival mode…

I’m THANKFUL that it’s MARCH and there are buds on the trees and the weather is warming up. We still have three weeks until Spring break, but it will go fast and from there it and then time will pass very quickly until we hit summer!


The arrival of SPRING! Who doesn’t love Spring?!? I can look out my kitchen window and see shoots and sprouts and greenery starting to grow rapidly! I love living on acreage in the Spring and seeing everything come alive!

Looking Forward To

We have so much to look forward to this Spring! Spring break with the family, a sisters weekend trip, a marriage conference trip and a trip to a wedding! Plus, April and May are my favorite months of the school year. The kids feel really comfortable and confident in our 1st grade routine and we can start doing so much more fun stuff in the classroom since we have hit most of the major content goals by 4th quarter.

Also- can we just take a moment to acknowledge the fact that Orion is turning ONE this month? Excuse me, what?!?!


Lesson plans for school right now. I mentioned several trips we are taking later this Spring, but to be honest, our trip strategy is more to just book the dates and lodging and then to wing it from there. I do need to sit down and plan an itinerary for our sisters trip, though. So if anyone has any suggestions for six ladies (no alcohol) in the Campton, KY area- please let me know!


It feels like I’m wearing all four seasons in one day lately! I need a winter coat and hat in the mornings, but by mid-morning I usually just need some pants/jacket/sweatshirt. By afternoon I’m thinking about digging my shorts out from storage and by evening I’m pulling back out the long sleeved PJs and slippers. Ha!


We’ve been mostly just eating comfort food and anything that sounds good. The flu that we had resulted in little to no appetite so I’ve been trying to keep the family nourished with rotisserie chicken, broth, tacos, etc. I just sat down and planned out my March menu and am excited for everyone to be feeling better and ready to eat a greater variety of things! Plus, we ate outside for the first time this year this past week and I’m so excited for lots more dinners outside on the patio!!

And that is a wrap on Currently! I hope that March is looking hopeful and warm and bright and lovely for you šŸ™‚

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