July Book Review

Welcome to August!

I mentioned on my Facebook page that I would be stepping back from blogging a bit. I’m hoping to spend time with my family and get a little rest in our insane lives. I probably won’t have any new content in the next month, but I do have my regular July recaps that I want to get out so that I don’t forget to do them later on. I will have my book review, my July Life Lately and a recap of our Hines Family Reunion.

The month of July was probably the most exhausting month for me thus far! I did manage to read three books, though!

The first book was Playing Big by Tara Mohr.

This book was interesting, but not exactly my cup of tea. According to her personal blurb online, Mohr is an expert at women’s leadership and well-being. The entire premise of the book is how women are not playing big and following their callings. I did feel like the book had some excellent points and was written with so many practical tips throughout, however, I found very little that applied to me as a stay at home Mom. It seemed to mostly be written for women in the professional workplace.

The next book I picked up was American Wife by Taya Kyle.

This is a very deep and raw story of the life of Chris and Taya Kyle, also known as American Sniper. Taya tells the story of she and Chris from her perspective, and even gives a raw glimpse into the grief and sadness that she felt after he was killed. This was a heavy book and left me feeling pretty sad. I’m so glad that she opened up and shared so much about her life and story because it really showed what it would be like to live through losing a husband to a tragedy (he was murdered by a fellow veteran who was mentally unstable). There were also several points in the story when she referenced her husband’s book, American Sniper. I think if I had read that book prior, a lot of what she said would have made more sense. I was also a bit sad as I read some of her theology. Throughout the book, she emphasizes how important her faith is and how it has gotten her through, but many of the things she says about God and the Bible are a little off. I cannot and never would judge someone else’s faith or salvation, but I was a little bit saddened to know that so many people are reading this story that contains some points of faith that are not in line with Biblical truth.


The last book that I read this month was Through the Eyes of Hope by Lacey Buchanan.

This is a beautiful story of God’s sustaining strength, hope and redemption despite hard times that can come in this life. Lacey and her husband Chris found out at their 20 week ultrasound that their son Christian would have a severe cleft lip and palate and would need extensive surgeries throughout his little life. Upon his birth, they found that the news was far worse than what they had been told, and Christian was born with no eyes and many more extensive “problems”. Lacey records their story with such truth and grace, and gives all the glory to God. This was an excellent read and one that really opens the doors into what it is like living with a child who is born with special needs. Lacey details the months and years since Christian’s birth, from the negative comments they have gotten, to the the amazing outpouring and support of surgeons and family. This was a quick read but one that will probably stick with me forever! I’m very grateful to Lacey for sharing her family’s story!



And that was it for July! I am already halfway through another book that I am LOVING, but you will just have to wait until August to find out what it is!

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