Life Lately: August


We kicked August off with a long overdue visit from my parents! We stayed very busy while they were here, including a trip to the Greene County Fair!

Tera wanted to wear sunglasses but couldn’t quite get the hang of seeing while wearing them.

I think that the bunny barn was a favorite for all!

This one was a fun one!


We went through the bunny barn, the sheep/goat barn and then we went into the pig barn. Some people were trying to round up their pigs and a couple of pigs escaped. We were just walking along and a pig ran right up behind Tera! Haha! I wish I had taken a picture, but I was too busy looking for a way of escape just in case the pigs got mad and started charging around.

Does anyone else’s older children fight like actual cats and dogs about who gets to push the stroller? How many times have I thrown up my hands and yelled, “NO ONE PUSHES THE STROLLER! MOMMY PUSHES THE STROLLER!” True story. Anybody else? Or is that just me?

We packed a picnic dinner and sat right in front of the horse races to eat and watch. It was a gorgeous summer night!

My fair partner for life. Which is totally a double entendre right there.

All three kids got balloons when we went inside the quilting barn. Of course all the balloons ended up tied to the stroller, which of course meant that they were in my face while I pushed. Ha.

I love the fair. Not ashamed.

Tera has finally hit an age where she can participate in rides and activities at the fair. She went on this super huge toddler obstacle course that was jam packed with other toddlers. We were all shouting and cheering her on!

Going down the slide at the end!

Sweet summertime.

Poor King was not feeling well, so Memaw sat out with him while the rest of us took Tera and Heavenly to ride some rides.

A few mornings later, Memaw and Pepaw loaded up to head to Michigan to meet their new grand babies! I made the mistake of putting Tera and Kiah in the car and buckling them in. Let’s just say Tera was DEVASTATED when she found out that she wasn’t getting to go with Memaw and Pepaw to see Uncle Dan.

On Aug 8th, Tera turned THREE! How is my firstborn already 3?!?

After a week away, my parents came back to spend another week with us! One Sunday night we went to the park for a concert my church was a part of. Lo and behold, I looked over and spotted someone who liked so much like my friend Abby that I knew so well in high school. We had been neighbors at Missionary Retreat Fellowship and we had all gone to Cedarville. After a few double takes, I realized that it was Abby and her four precious daughters (and her husband, of course)!!! It was quite the reunion!!!!!!!!

Hezekiah James also turned 10 months old!

Heavenly’s chore in our house is to do the dinner dishes. She’s fairly sure that this is a unique form of torture invented just for her. I finally told her that if she can cook an entire meal for dinner, I would do the dinner dishes for her. My Mom and I guided her a lot (and did the crockpot portion), but she was SO PROUD of this entire meal that she made.

We packed as much as we possibly could into August, including both a trip to the zoo and a trip to King’s Island. 

Heavenly had her first day of 6th grade! She was nervous and a bit overwhelmed, but has settled into it just great! I’m so proud of her.

As if our month wasn’t insane enough, we went through the struggle of almost losing our foster license. You can read the whole story here. 

On Friday after a very long week, we had the chance to go to a wedding! It was beautiful and it’s always fun attending weddings with my forever wedding date!


Did you think August was almost over? Well, it’s not. Are you exhausted yet? We sure are. The final Saturday of August, we had a celebration party for Theo and his fellow recruits for (almost) finishing the academy! How funny is this sign that Niki (Carpenter Farmhouse) made? It’s Not A Good Party Unless the Cops Show Up!

106th Recruit Class!

Look at this cake!

The very next day after the party was charter Sunday for our church. This is the day 20 years ago that two churches merged to become one. For the church service, about 15 people recited the entire book of Romans. There were a few chapters that were read, but the majority of the chapters were memorized. These ladies and I all memorized one chapter together. This was probably one of my favorite church services I’ve been to!

Tera took this picture of Theo and I.

And my sweet girl is looking so incredibly grown up!

We finished up August by finally having work done on our basement! We are turning it into a little apartment and I’m SO EXCITED to see the finished product and put that space to use!

And on August 31st, 2017…Theo was sworn in as a police officer! 

And just in case you missed it, here are my three most popular posts published in August:

Life Lessons Learned: The Chronicles of Hair 

Back to School as a Total Outsider

5 Ways to Make a Birthday Special on a Budget 

And my post that went live for Dayton Moms Blog:

It Doesn’t Get Easier, It Gets Different 

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